Few days ago, WhatsApp received a new update. This WhatsApp app update brings in new features to make the usage of instant messaging app much better. One of the feature in this update, allows ability to view photos and videos fully within the chat. The announcement about this WhatsApp latest update was made via messaging platform’s Twitter handle.
WhatsApp new update brings latest features:
Meanwhile, The latest WhatsApp update comes with version 2.21.80. This new update allows users to get a bigger preview of photos and videos within the chat window itself. Additionally, This allows ease of usage without any need to tap on the shared photo or video. Users can easily view the media file within chat without viewing it separately. To recall, the same feature was announced earlier for WhatsApp for iOS. Now, the feature has landed on Android platform. Thus, making its availability on both the platforms including iOS and Android.
Photos and videos in WhatsApp are now even bigger, so no one will be left out of the picture! That's the perfect reason to smile 😄 pic.twitter.com/2lzG5jLTKz
— WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) April 30, 2021
Beside this feature, The Instant messaging app also brings Disappearing Messages too. According to previous post, now each person in a WhatsApp Group can change the Disappearing message by default. There is no need for admin to do so. However, The WhatsApp Group admins can still change the info, by changing the “Edit Group Info” settings. Thus, keeping things into their hands. Also, The WhatsApp latest update has started rolling out to the user in batches. Thus, allowing users to access these new changes and modifications. WhatsApp gets two new features for iOS including Disappearing Messages
WhatsApp Bot introduced:
In another report WhatsApp in the new version has also update a new bot feature in collaboration with MyGov. With this bot, users can easily find the nearby COVID-19 vaccination centers in India. Also, This new feature is an extension of MyGov Corona Helpdesk in form of a chatbot. To recall, this MyGov Corona Helpdesk was launched last year amid COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, This helpdesk provides help to the peoples to get resources and accurate information regarding the novel Coronavirus.
How to access WhatsApp Chatbot?
To access this WhatsApp Chatbot,
1. Save this “+91 9013151515” number on your phone book
2. After update, Open WhatsApp latest version
3. Open chat window for this number
4. Send “Namastey”
5. Enter the “PIN Code”
6. After this, the chatbot will provide you the list of nearest vaccination centers
7. Alternatively, users can open this URL “https://wa.me/919013151515”
8. It will directly open the chat window, without any need to save this number
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