Apple has officially confirmed about the delay in production of some MacBook and iPad models due to global chip shortage. According to report from Nikkei Asia, the shortage of chip could be one of the main causes of delay in production of MacBooks. Due to shortage of chip, one of the main steps in production line is causing this delay. This step is the mounting of components on the printed circuit boards before the final assembly. Also Read: iPhone 13 series could be delayed due to Global Chip shortage
Global Chip Shortage
This report comes from the industry sources and experts, citing production delay. This delay in MacBook and iPad is happening because of the major chip shortage. The shortage of chip is growing more serious and could also impact the production of other tech gadgets. The smaller tech players will affect more heavily. Due to this shortage, Apple has pushed back a portion of component orders for the two devices from first half to second half of the year.
MacBook and iPad production affected
According to other report, some MacBook and iPad assembly was also postponed. This is due to shortage of displays and other display components. Apple’s biggest rival Samsung Electronics has already confirmed that the chip shortage could be of the major problematic factor for the company. The company also mentioned that initially this problem could start affecting from April to June period. Samsung officials also states that multiple teams of employees have been working around the clock to resolve this chip shortage issue.
Apple has been always familiar for its expertise in managing one of the world’s most complex supply chain. The Tech giant is familiar for its speed with which it can mobilize suppliers. All these major factors have helped company to withstand this chip shortage issue. As stated, due to this shortage, Beside MacBook and iPad, Apple’s iconic iPhone production has not been affected so far by this supply shortage. However, according to sources, the supply of some components for the device has been quite tight.
For the figures, Apple sells approximately around 200 million iPhones every year. Regarding MacBook, the tech giant sells around 20 million units every year. Also, more than 19 million iPad and more than 70 million pairs of AirPods are sold in a year. All these Apple products rank within the top five globally in their respective consumer electronic segments. Thus, making Apple one of the most powerful procurement forces in the world.
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