“Clubhouse for PC” app advertisement appears on Facebook. Users think this ad to be related to audio-only app for PC. But this will disappoint users, as it comes out as fake app and it filled with malware. This app can cause security and privacy issues for the users. The fake Clubhouse for PC app is reportedly share by TechCrunch. The ad related to Fake Clubhouse for PC app appears on many Facebook pages.
Fake Clubhouse for PC app:
As reported, these fake Clubhouse for PC advertisements are associated with various Facebook Pages. Here as instructed, users have to like few of such pages to access further. To recall, Clubhouse is an iPhone exclusive app which works on invite only basis. Such ads that relates to these apps are only create to attract the users and to click on them. Also Read: Discord brings Clubhouse like latest audio chat feature
On such Facebook ads, if user clicks on the ads, they will be redirect to fake Clubhouse for PC website. On these websites, user will see screenshots of the fake app which is being talked about. Here user have to click the link to download the app. This is the point where actual malicious part comes into action. When user clicks the link, the fake app will communicate with the command and the control server in connection will take and follow the instructions. After this a report comes out, this report mentions a sandbox analysis of the malware. It starts infecting the isolated machine with some ransomware.
After the report from TechCrunch, the servers of the fake Clubhouse for PC app website went down. Amit Serper, a researcher at Guardicore tried to test the fake Clubhouse app in a sandbox. But, he was unsuccessful as it receives an error. Along with the fake website, ads have also been taken down. If a Facebook user, still find ads up and running. Just do not click any link, as it may possibly steal users personal data and other sensitive information. However, such pages still remains active despite of the report from multiple users. Additionally, Facebook did not tell the actual number of people who clicked such ads. Even after so much of action, the question behind Clubhouse for PC still remains.
Hackers like Clubhouse
The popularity of Clubhouse app can tell how much it attracts the hackers. Recently, the data of more than a million users was found leaking. The incident happened in February, when hackers can easily access the Clubhouse users’ audio chats. Along popularity, the app is gaining a good amount of negative attention. Right now, The biggest question is about how it handles the security to make app more safer for the users. This Clubhouse for PC app website gains more attention just like any other hack.
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