The South Korean tech giant, Samsung is planning to launch a new Galaxy Tab A7 Lite in India. Meanwhile, The support page of upcoming tablet goes live on Samsung India’s official website. Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite support pages have been spotted on Samsung’s official websites in a few other regions including Africa, and Romania. The support page on the website reveals some of the details about this upcoming Galaxy Tab A7 Lite. Alongside, its specifications have also been spotted on Google Play Console listing. The Google Play Console listing also shows that the upcoming tablet from South Korea will run Android 11 OS. According to support page, the latest tablet will be made available in two variants. These variants are SM-T225 and SM-T220. Out of these variants, one of them could be the Wi-Fi only variant, whereas the other variant could be the 4G LTE variant.
Beside the model number, the support does not reveal much about the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite tablet. Earlier, a tablet with same model number has been spot on FCC certification website. The certification website reveals some of the key specifications of the upcoming Galaxy Tab A7 Lite. Additionally, The upcoming tablet will measure 212.53mm in length and 124.7mm in width. Diagonally the screen will measure 246.41mm in screen length. This means that the tablet could support a 9.7-inch display. The listings also reveals that the device will support dual band Wi-Fi, a 5100mAh battery along with 15W fast charging system.
Samsung Galaxy Tab A7: Specifications
The all new Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 supports a 10.4-inch WUXGA+ TFT display. The tablet is power by Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 SoC. This chipset comes in pair with Adreno 610 GPU. The device features a 3GB RAM/ 32GB of internal storage. Also, The internal storage comes with expandable option. It can be expand upto 1TB via microSD card. The display will have a resolution of 800×1340 pixels but the display size was allegedly not mention on the Google Play Console listing. The all new Galaxy Tab A7 runs on Google’s Android 10 OS along with company’s own custom OneUI. The device is back by 7040mAh battery. For cameras, the tablet features an 8-MP camera along with a 5-MP front camera for video calls. We have to wait and watch for its official launch.
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