Google Android 12 design leaks, reveal major UI design overhaul

Latest leaked Android 12 screenshots have unveiled a massive overhaul of design and inspired some new features for iOS 14.

Android 12: Revamped Notifications

In next image, A black strip at the top above the searches field in present. It could allow users to exit views by dragging down, which may be a new UI element. We can also see that the Widgets screen is not just a collection of carousels any more. The Widget screen appears as the drop-downs as a scrolling list. Also Read: Happy Birthday Amazon Alexa, turns 3 in India

Android 12: Revamped Notifications
Android 12: Revamped Notifications

Written by Pulkit Sharma

I love working on WordPress, Web Designer from past 7+ years working mainly on mobile & web apps. Always keen to be part of interesting projects.

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